A Small Wardrobe

Minimalism of the wardrobe, home and mind

A Minimalist Blog (ARCHIVE)

A Minimalist Blog (ARCHIVE)

Originally posted September 3, 2016

40 items of clothing, 9 pairs of shoes, 5 bags

A Small Wardrobe is a blog about my passion for my minimal wardrobe. You may have heard about Project 333, Marie Kondo, or capsule wardrobes. These are some of the people and concepts that have inspired me while I have minimised my belongings over the last nine months. I have taken elements of various minimalist concepts and adapted them to meet my own needs.

As I live in Australia, a reasonably arid place, I don’t feel I need to go to the effort of creating a fresh capsule every season. We do not experience the climate extremes of the Northern Hemisphere. What suits me best is to own a small number of items and have them all visible in my wardrobe on a daily basis.

Through this blog I hope to tell you why I have created a small wardrobe, how I manage it, and how I’d like to improve it. Perhaps I can inspire you to do something similar.  

At the date of publishing I own a total of 40 items of clothing:

5 dresses

10 tops

5 shirts

6 knits

7 jackets

3 pairs of pants

1 pair of shorts

3 skirts

9 pairs of shoes

5 handbags

The Box Lady (ARCHIVE)

The Box Lady (ARCHIVE)